Mental health is a sometime overlooked component of workplace safety; specifically, recognizing symptoms and knowing how to provide help employees experiencing suicidal thoughts and depression. Further, different types of mental illness mandate what type of reaction employers should engage.
The Mental Health First Aid USA handbook of the National Safety Council has an acronym used in their Safe Communities America® training programs: ALGEE is a critical action plan used to reduce negative perceptions and barriers about people with addictions and mental illness.
ALGEE stands for:
- Assess for risk of suicide or harm
- Listen nonjudgmentally
- Give reassurance and information
- Encourage appropriate professional help
- Encourage self-help and other support strategies
While the National Safety Council practices are endorsed and used by community safety groups like the American Red Cross, Police Departments, and suicide prevention task forces, these same precepts and tenants translate to ensuring workplace safety.
A way to empower employers and coworkers is to offer a platform to voice safety concerns if an employee is exhibiting suicidal symptoms. One such platform is a hotline, a proven tool that offers preventative measures. Red Flag Reporting’s mission is to provide not only a safety hotline, but an effective ethics hotline, fraud hotline and whistleblower hotline. Red Flag Reporting helps protect your organization’s employees, goodwill, and bottom line.