OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Program Act is garnering support from both political parties. Introduced on April 28, the proposed legislation would signify a long-term commitment to OSHA’s program recognizing exceptional worksite in terms of safety and health performance. Worksites that successfully participate in VPP are exempt from certain OSHA inspections.
Sens. Michael Bennett (D-CO) Mike Enzi (R-WY) are partnering in introducing the legislation. Enzi said in a press release: “It is important that Congress cement this successful program to help ensure that it persists, as well as to ensure that it can grow to include more of America’s small businesses.” Bennett said “Our bill ensures that OSHA can continue to use this successful and cost-effective program to ensure the health and safety of Colorado workers.”
Since its 1982 inception, over 2,200 worksites have participated in VPP; the VPP Act would codify the program and secure funding against Congress. At this writing the bill is still before the Senate’s Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.