The Red Flag Reporting Hotline + Case Management System
Used internationally, our ethics, fraud and safety hotline is what we are known for. We provide:
- A nationwide toll-free number staffed by live operators 24/7/365. International numbers are available.
- A web reporting portal available 24/7/365.
- Powerful case management capabilities.
- Web-based reporting in over 50 languages.
- Call-based ability to report in 200+ languages.
- Posters to be hung at key locations within your entity.
- Wallet cards for all employees.
- Quarterly emails to all employees to encourage safety and integrity as well as familiarity with the hotline.
- Quarterly newsletter to management regarding HR issues and financial ethics.
- Available fraud awareness and prevention seminars for your employees and management.
- Pre-recorded training webinars for your on-going use.
- Detailed reports.
- Professional report assessment.
- Peace of mind!
Collateral for Employees
Unique Features of the Red Flag Reporting Hotline Service
Red Flag Reporting’s offering includes:
- A simple, yet highly-effective program designed to educate, empower, and protect employees.
We provide a comprehensive and sustained hotline service to promote safety and integrity.
- Tools to detect and report unethical behavior.
24/7 internet access and phone reporting via a toll-free number. Multiple languages available.
- Advanced functionality
As a hotline provider, our reporting portal includes comprehensive reporting, logic-based questioning, evidence uploads, direct but anonymous communications between reporters and investigators, case management, and on-demand graphical trend analyses.
Click here to learn more about our software features.
- Hotline services that are supervised by CPAs who are certified in Fraud Examination and Financial Forensics.
At your direction, financial-related Red Flag reports can be reviewed by an experienced fraud examiner who will provide a preliminary assessment of the matter when it is presented to your organization.
- Frequent communications with employees to remain top of mind.
Wallet cards, workplace posters, and quarterly emails are provided to help identify and refresh your commitment to a safe and ethical work environment.
- Additional benefits:
By using the Red Flag Reporting hotline service, you may qualify for exclusive advantaged pricing on your Employee Theft and Employment Practices Liability policies.
For more information about our hotline services, click here to learn about our unique features.
As an owner or executive, the greatest assets you protect are the value, reputation, and employees of your organization.
As a hotline provider, we know that setting the right tone at the top is vital for cultivating a culture that displays a desire for avoiding costly mistakes, an appreciation for strong controls, and a zero-tolerance attitude towards fraudulent, unsafe, and unethical behavior.
Protecting Value and Employees
The positive reputation of your organization drives value. An ethical tone at the top protects your entity’s goodwill. Employees who are aware of management’s ardent interest in securing its assets, by closely monitoring its controls, are more likely to act ethically.
Communicating an atmosphere of shared benefits, strong oversight and zero-tolerance is vital to reducing exposure to damaging behavior.
Protecting the Bottom Line
External pressures may distract you from internal opportunities and risks.
Opportunities to reduce costs may be missed, staff may make unintentional but costly mistakes, available discounts may be ignored, and poor internal controls may allow employee fraud. Empower your employees.